Custom Network Mapping Rule Management

This feature empowers customers to define custom network names displayed in Enterprise Archive, enhancing data organization and searchability. The custom network mapping rules function by parsing incoming email headers from customers and extracting values from designated headers. These extracted values are then utilized as network names within Enterprise Archive. This functionality in helpful in migration scenarios, as it empowers customers to establish network names. Additionally, legacy users within EV vaults may find this feature advantageous for setting the network name correctly. Apart from migration, custom network mapping rules facilitate the onboarding of new networks originating from third-party applications or systems archived as email data . The specific network name helps in identifying the source of such emails and enables customers to configure retention policies and conduct policies. To ensure accurate categorization, custom network mapping allows users to override these default values and specify the precise network corresponding to each conversation.

Mapping Rule Types

Custom network mapping can be created in one of the following way:

  • HD (Header-based): Leverages specific X-Header values within email data to pinpoint the relevant network.

  • Subject: Identifies the network based on designated keywords or phrases found within the email subject line.

  • RP (FROM/TO): Identifies the network by associating it with particular email addresses present in the FROM or TO headers.

  • Composite: Combines multiple rule types, employing logical operators (AND, OR) for intricate network mapping logic.

The following table provides examples of mapping rule types:




Network Name



Exchange Journal

Contains x-header X-Smarsh-Legacy-Data-Source with value AXSOne




Exchange Journal

If the sender is:




Exchange Journal

Email Subject Contains: Mimecast Journal



How to Request for Mappings?

To request for new network mappings, contact Smarsh Support. The team will guide you through the necessary information gathering and assist in creating the RuleCSV file. This will then be upload to the Email Gateway system for you.

The details required for RuleCSV file generation depend on the specific mapping rule type chosen. To ensure a smooth process, please provide the following information to the Smarsh support team:

Mapping Rule Type


Expected Network Name

Header based

Header Name, Header values


Subject based

Value within the subject



email addresses within From , To fields


Content Source

Content source name


For example, if you selected "Header based " network mapping rule, you might need to provide:

  • Header Name

  • Header Value

  • Network Name

How to Validate the Mapping?

To validate the behavior of the rules:

  1. Use a sample email from the third party system or network that you are looking to onboard, or from the third party archive from where you are looking to migrate emails to Enterprise Archive. Send the email to the SMTP address configured for the Email Journal content source in Enterprise Archive.

  2. Search for the sample email that has been ingested and check the network name while viewing the email in Enterprise Archive.

How to Update or Delete the Mapping?

For modifications to existing network mapping rules, please contact Smarsh Support. The support team will initiate contact to gather essential information before proceeding with either updating or deleting the desired rule(s).