Enterprise Archive Online Help


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Enterprise Archive is a next generation, cloud-based archiving platform for email and other real-time communication/collaboration channels that enable companies to meet regulatory retention and supervisory requirements while reducing the risk and cost of eDiscovery.

Enterprise Archive provides an easy to use graphical user interface that is divided into three sections to segregate the tasks performed by different roles. The following sections enable you to understand and perform activities in Enterprise Archive user interface:

Copyright and Software License Notice

Copyright © 2013-2022 Actiance, Inc. and © 2022 Smarsh Inc.

The software and services described in the documentation portal is provided under license and the software and services may be used only in accordance with the license terms and conditions.
The documentation in this portal is provided pursuant to that license and may not be used, distributed, copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any other form without the prior written consent of Smarsh. To request permission, please email legal@smarsh.com.

Documentation Disclaimer

The documentation in this portal is provided as a convenience to the licensee and end user of the software and services. Sample XML files and field values displayed in the documentation are examples only and should not be construed as appropriate for licensee’s or end user’s use. Licensee is responsible for identifying the security options appropriate to the risks identified in licensee’s environment and implementing those options.

Access to or use of third-party websites is at licensee’s or end user’s own risk. Third party URLs used in this documentation portal are not owned or controlled by Actiance or Smarsh. The companies are not responsible for content on these websites.

The company may revise this publication or modify content without prior notice.

For any feedback, write to docfeedback@smarsh.com.