Hit Highlighting


The Hit-highlighting capability in Enterprise Archive/Conduct is functional on non-English languages subject to limitations. Smarsh does not claim support for hit-highlighting on any non-whitespace language scripts (scripts such as Chinese, Japanese or Thai).

Enterprise Archive highlights the words and phrases that you search within the conversations. You can view the highlighted words or phrases in the Details pane. Hit highlighting in Enterprise Archive is available only from the List of Terms - Must have at least one of these keywords search box only, Lexicon Upload searches, and Advance Query (with the exception of Conduct Review and Conduct Admin) search. Also, by default, only the first 100 unique hit terms are highlighted.

For example, if policy 1 has 30 unique terms, policy 2 has 50 unique terms and policy 3 has 70 unique terms, hit highlighting will be applied for 80 unique terms from the first two policies only. Terms from policy 3 will be ignored as the total term count exceeds 100.


The default value to restrict unique hit terms is 100. This value can be configured using a server property by the Smarsh Operation Team.

Enterprise Archive highlights the searched words or phrases in orange and yellow. When the focus is on a searched phrase or a searched word, it is highlighted in orange. In a search result, if there are multiple phrases found in a conversation, the first phrase found is highlighted in orange, whereas the remaining phrases are highlighted in yellow. The first found phrase is highlighted in orange because, in multiple search results, the focus is on the first found instance of the searched phrase.

Enterprise Archive allows you to navigate between multiple search results that are found in a conversation. You can use the Previous and Next options in the Details panel to navigate between the searched phrases.


  • If there is a single instance of the searched phrase found in a conversation, it will be highlighted in orange, as the focus is only on that phrase.

  • The Next and Previous buttons are disabled if there is no next or previously found phrase in respective cases.

The Query hits help the user navigate through the hit terms linearly starting from the Subject to the Body to the attachment section. Enterprise Archive also supports highlighting of searched phrases or words on file attachment meta-data. In the Details pane, highlighting of search results is only applicable in the Content tab. Highlighted search results are not available on the following tabs:

  • Action

  • Events

  • Policy Events

  • Source View

By default, Connected Capture highlights up to five attachments with hits. To view subsequent attachments linearly, click the NEXT button under the query hits section. To view the list of subsequent attachments without navigation, click the Show More button, which will display the next three attachments with hits.

Number of attachments to be processed for highlights in real time is configured using server properties for the default number of attachments and incremental number of attachments (governed by Show More).

The Prev and Next buttons under Query Hits pane can exclusively be used to navigate through all the hits in Subject, Body, and Attachments. Clicking Next shows the next highlighted attachment even though it has to process configured server property limit multiple times to ensure minimal reviewer effort.

If there are no hits within the initial 10 attachments or next five attachments when Show More or Next is clicked, Enterprise Archive will traverse until a next hit is found.

The caching feature in Enterprise Archive stores the previously displayed documents or attachments with hits and displays them at once when the same search is performed again.


The number of attachments to be displayed by default and the number of attachments to be displayed subsequently when a user clicks Show More is configurable using Server Properties. Contact Smarsh Representative to configure the Server Properties.

Highlighting with Proximity Search

Proximity search is used to highlight the searched words in a phrase with a specified proximity. The searched words are highlighted in yellow and the specified number of words between the searched words are highlighted in grey.

You can search two words and highlight the words appearing between those two words by providing the search words or phrases in the following format:

"word1 word2"~N, where N represents the maximum number of words between the two searched words, word1 and word2.

For example, if you search using this syntax: "email with"~2, Enterprise Archive may highlight the results in the following ways:

'This email

is marked with high importance.'

'This email is with multiple attachments.'

'An email with multiple attachments.'

Note that the words you searched for are highlighted in yellow and the numeral 2 that you specified as the number of words between the searched word, are appearing in Grey. If there are multiple instances of the searched phrase then by default Enterprise Archive highlights the first instance in orange, as: 'This mail is marked with high importance.'' When you use the Next or Previous buttons to navigate through the different found phrases, the focus also shifts. The words that are under focus are highlighted in Orange.

The number N in the search syntax "word1 word2"~N, denotes the maximum distance between the first and second phrase provided between the quotes (""). Therefore, if N is specified as 3, then the gap between the first and second words can be between 0 and 3 words in the search results.

You can search and highlight an exact phrase by providing word(s) within double quotes(“”). For example, if you search for “importance mail”, Enterprise Archive highlights the results as follows: ’This mail is a high importance mail .’ In this case also, if the focus is on the first found instance, then Enterprise Archive highlights the searched phrase in orange, as: ’This mail is a high importance mail .'

When searched phrases are found within the attachments of an email, then the attachment in which there is the first instance of the searched phrase is underlined in orange. If there are more attachments that have the same phrase in them then they are underlined in yellow. You can also use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate between the found phrases within attachments.

When two proximity searches are performed at once, and any part of the texts of the two proximity search options overlap, then the highlighting of the results can be in an unexpected manner. For example, if you search for "prices increase"~5 "stock the"~ 3, and there is overlapping text between the two search options, then the highlight on the search text can be as "The prices of the said stock must increase by the end of next week."


  • If there is a single instance of the searched phrase found in a conversation, it will be highlighted in orange, as the focus is only on that phrase.

  • The Next and Previous buttons are disabled if there is no next or previously found phrase, in respective cases.

  • Preview of in-line attachments and navigation between words is currently not available in Enterprise Archive.

  • Navigation between found phrases starts from the Message section and then moves to the attachment section.

  • Enterprise Archive also supports highlighting of searched phrases or words on file attachment meta-data.

  • In the Details pane, highlighting of search results is only applicable in the Content tab. Highlighted search results are not available on the tabs: Action Events, Policy Events, and Source View.

Stop Words Highlighting

When you perform a search in Enterprise Archive, the Stop Words are ignored. Currently, the following Stop Word search behavior is observed in Enterprise Archive:

  • If a Stop Word is present at the beginning or/and end of the phrase, the Stop Word is NOT highlighted.

  • If a Stop Word is present in between the phrase, the Stop Word is highlighted.


  • Search Keyword: "cannot accept this"
    Considering "this" as a Stop Word, the search return documents having "Cannot accept ANY" as well as "Cannot accept". Only the phrase "Cannot accept" gets highlighted in this cases.

  • Search Keyword: "this is just for you"
    Considering "is" and "for" as Stop Words, the search return documents having "this ANY just ANY you". Only "this ANY just ANY you" phrase gets highlighted in this case.

  • Search Keyword: "is just for you"
    Considering "is" and "for" as Stop Words, the search return documents having "ANY just ANY you" and "just ANY you". Only "just ANY you" phrase gets highlighted. The search will not return documents having only "just you".