Conduct Dashboard

Similar to the Dashboards in Archive Management, Conduct Dashboard lists statistical data based on all Conduct activities that are logged and will be useful to the user. The Dashboard uses an Smarsh reporting framework, to analyze data and represent that information in various visualization methods such as graphs, pie charts, and so on. The reports that are generated can be accessed by multiple roles such as: Reviewers, Managers, Compliance Officers, Policy Administrators, Operations, and so on. The user requires Conduct Dashboards permission to access this section.

The Conduct Dashboard currently lists the following visualizations as a template. They can be customized to suit the company's requirements. By default, the report displays the data for Last 7 days.



Reviewer Activities over Time

This visualization depicts a graphical representation of Conduct actions performed by a reviewer along with the UTC time of action.

Activities per Reviewer

This visualization depicts a graphical representation of the count and percentile of the number of Conduct actions taken in the tenant filtered by the different user names.

Assignments per Reviewer

This visualization depicts the current count of documents assigned to a user/Reviewer, or in "Unassigned" state.

Assignments per Reviewer Breakdown

This visualization depicts a breakdown of the percentage of documents assigned to a user/Reviewer, or in "Unassigned" state.

New, Assigned vs Closed

This visualization depicts a count of the documents in various states, starting from the time the item was first placed in a queue until the time when Conduct actions were performed along with past actions, shown in terms of UTC time with hourly intervals.

Unassigned Stat

This visualization depicts the count of the total number of documents in a queue that are currently in “Unassigned” state. These items are not assigned to a reviewer.

Assigned Stat

This visualization depicts the count of the total number of documents in a queue that are currently in “Assigned” state. These items are assigned to a reviewer.

Closed Stat

This visualization depicts the count of the total number of items in a queue that are currently in “Closed” state. These items have been reviewed and closed by assigned users.

Active Documents per Queue

This visualization is a graphical representation of all the Queues in the tenant along with a count of the number of active documents in those queues. Active documents are items that have not been closed by the reviewer.

Active Documents per Queue Breakdown

This visualization is a graphical representation of the percentage of all the documents in active state that are filtered based on the Queue they belong to.

Unassigned Breakdown

This visualization is a graphical representation of the percentage of all documents in different States such as New, Created, Closed, Assigned, Escalated, Opened at the time of viewing.

Documents by Network Breakdown

This visualization is a graphical representation of the percentage of all documents in the current state, filtered by the network they belong to.

Activities by Reviewer

This visualization is a detailed table of all the activities performed by a user. The table displays details such as user information, the various actions performed by the user, frequency of the action performed, and the average time taken to perform that action.

Average time taken to Act per Reviewer

This visualization is a graphical representation of the average time taken by a reviewer to perform any action. The average time is represented in terms of hours.

Current Items Age by Policy

This visualization is a metric representation of the various Policies along with the number of actions taken on the items that fall under these policies over a specific time period. The time period considered for each policy is as follows, A year from today to 10 days before today. 10 days before today to 5 days before today. 5 days before today to Today (now).

Current Items Age by State

This visualization is a metric representation of the various states of the items currently present in the queue, and the total number of actions taken on these items when they were in that particular state over specific time period. The time period considered for each policy is as follows, A year from today to 10 days before today. 10 days before today to 5 days before today. 5 days before today to Today (now).