Viewing Exported Conversations - Conduct

The Exports icon in the Conduct workspace displays a list of conversations that were exported. This helps you know the status of the export process. Enterprise Archive exports conversations as compressed XML format files in a .zip file.


Completed exports can be viewed from each application by clicking the Exports option as explained as follows. You will be able to view only the exports that you performed, unless you have required permission to view all the exports performed by other users. For more information, see Creating a Role and Granting Permissions.

The progress of each export is displayed in the export listing pane and once the progress is complete, the export package can be downloaded.


Exported package are available for download for up to 31 days. That is, exports older than 31 days will not be downloadable from the UI. The Download and Summary icons are unavailable once the export expires. However, users can rerun the exports and download them.

The exports listing pane will list the exports with the following user actions that can be performed:

  • Refresh - Click Refresh to the refresh the export listing page.

  • Download as CSV - Select Download as CSV to download the details in the Exports listing page in a CSV format.

The Export panel displays the following information regarding conversations requested for exporting:




The name of the conversation that is requested for export.


Name of the user who initiated the export.


The start time of the export process.


The time when the export process completes.


The progress bar displays the progress of the export process such as the estimated number of files that will be created for an export and the current position in terms of exports during the packaging state (final state before the file is available for download).

The packing packaging workflow for an export is Waiting for packaging followed by Packaging (0 out of 150 est.) and finally Completed.


Attachment size calculation is currently not visible in the progress bar. Therefore, if the documents have attachments, the packaging state displays expected size count and not the exact size count.

Raw File Size

File size of the exported document including attachments.

# of Documents

The number of documents exported.

Documents Export Status

The current status of export. Displays the number of documents successfully exported, skipped, failed, and disposed.


  • The count of skipped items is not displayed under the Document Export Status column when:

    • Contents not in Archived_Raw format are exported in either PST or ZIP format.

    • Contents in Archived_Raw format are exported in ZIP format.

  • The count of skipped items in the summary.txt file matches the count displayed in the Document Export Status on the Exports page.

  • The Disposed and Skipped counts will be displayed dynamically in the Document Export Status only when the exported file contains a disposed or skipped item.

  • A re-run of exports does not include documents that were skipped in the original export.

  • When the Progress column in Exports page states Completed and the Document Export Status column states Skipped, the Skipped Count field in the summary.txt file gives the number of Archived_raw content documents that bypassed the PST export.

  • When the Progress column in Exports page states Skipped, the Skipped Count field in the summary.txt file reflects the snapshot count as the complete export skipped due to document guardrail limit. This condition is applicable only for scheduled exports.


The following actions can be performed on the exported data

Download images/download/attachments/83825448/download_icon.png - Download the exported chunks of interactions. Click on the icon to open the download pop-up window, that displays the following information regarding conversations requested for download:

  • Name: D isplays the name of the exported chunk for download.

  • Size: Indicates the size of the exported chunk for download.

  • Checksum: Indicates the checksum of the exported chunk for download.

  • Download Status: I ndicates the status of the exported chunk that was downloaded. The possible values for the download status are Download Not Started, <download progress%> Downloaded, 100% Downloaded.

  • After the download is complete, the status changes to "100% Downloaded", and the file is automatically saved to your system's Downloads folder.

  • Downloaded content will not be visible until the download process reaches 100% completion.


You can either download individual packages by clicking the respective package or , to download all packages simultaneously, click the Download All button located within the Table Options tab.

When you click the Download All button, the files download in pairs, with two files being downloaded simultaneously. As one download completes, the system automatically triggers the next download until all files are downloaded successfully. You can easily track the download progress in the same window, which displays real-time updates and the completion percentage for each file. The progress bar reflects the ongoing data transfer between the Enterprise Application (EA) and the user's browser. Upon completion (100% downloaded), the exported data fragment (chunk) becomes available in the user's designated download location. However:

  • If the user's browser preferences require confirmation for downloads, they will be prompted to specify the location for saving the exported chunk.

  • If the user's browser preferences automatically save all downloads to a pre-configured location, no further prompts will be displayed, and the downloaded chunks will be readily accessible upon completion.

Contact Smarsh support to enable this feature.


  • The Download All Export Packages privilege must be enabled for the user to download all packages at once.

  • When exporting large number of snapshots, the system automatically distributes snapshots in each chunk across multiple folders. This is done to ensure efficient organization and prevent performance issues. Each folder is currently limited to 10,000 snapshots. The folder structure is not applicable for CSV exports.

  • Exported package are available for download for up to 31 days. That is, exports older than 31 days will not be downloadable from the UI. The Download and Summary icons are unavailable once the export expires. However, users can rerun the exports and download them.

  • Exported files usually allow special characters in the filenames, but there are a few exceptions when downloading them:

    • Some special characters are replaced with underscores (_) in the downloaded filenames. These characters include <, >, *, ?, :, ", /, and |.

    • The currency symbol ₹ is replaced with a space in the downloaded file name.

images/download/attachments/83825448/DownloadAll.png Summary images/download/attachments/83825448/summary_zip_file.png - The summary icon is displayed only when the export operation is successful. That is, only when the download icon is displayed


  • Only when documents are exported as PDF, the summary icon is displayed even if the export operation fails.

  • The Summary icon is unavailable once the export expires.

  • The summary file exported will be named as <export_file_name>

Downloads an < export_file_name> file that contains the following:

  • summary.txt - Details the complete summary of the exported package.

  • errors.csv - Details on the errors that occurred during an export operation. This CSV file contains the Snapshot ID, Network, and Channel detail of message that failed along with the time-stamp details of the export operation. The Message field describes the actual reason of failure that enables you to understand and report or address the export issue. Contact Smarsh support in case of such failures.

  • dategap.csv - A report containing the total number of items found per day in a date range specified per conversation.

  • dedup.csv - Summary of email messages that contain identical messages but with minor differences in the header or body along with the respective snapshot IDs.

    Currently, De-duplication is supported only for email data.

    De-duplication will be done based on the fields configured by the Operations team for a specific Enterprise Archive tenant.

    The dedup.csv summaries the email messages ingested containing identical messages but with minor differences in the header or body along with the respective snapshot IDs. Whenever the user selects Remove Duplicate Emails in an export request, multiple emails having the same Body, Attachments, and so on will be suppressed in the exports, as a result only one email having the same parameters will be included in the export.

    The typical fields that are configured include Subject, Body, Attachments, Sender/Recipients, and Date/Time stamp. Fields can be added or removed based on your requirement by configuring a server property. The permitted values for configuration are Body, Attachments, To, From, Sender, Subject, Cc, Bcc, Date, or any other subsets of these values.

    The summary.txt file will have the high level details of suppressed documents such as dedup count, whether dedup was enabled or not and the value of the property during the export.

Rerun Export images/download/attachments/83825448/retry_icon.png - Exports the document again. You can specify the desired export details before re-exporting the documents in the Rerun Export pop-up.

For exports that display Completed With Warning in the Progress column, the Rerun Failed Only check box is enabled by default. This enables you to exports only the documents that failed during the export process.


Rerun is disabled if the export contains only disposed documents.


Delete images/download/attachments/83825448/Delete.png - Delete the exported document from the Export panel.

Cancel images/download/attachments/83825448/CancelExport.png - Cancels the export or scheduled export that is in progress.


Once you cancel a scheduled export, you can either cancel the current execution of the schedule export by clicking the Cancel button. Additionally, you can disable further runs of the scheduled export by enabling the Disable further schedule exports check-box from the Confirm Cancel pop-up window.

Once a Scheduled Export is cancelled, you will not be able to re-run the scheduled export.

To see the latest export status, click Refresh in the Export panel.


  • When non-email conversations that are exported in the PST format, are opened in email applications like MS Outlook, then an attachment icon appears, regardless of the conversation containing attachments, or not.

  • Conversation captured from MS Teams are represented as in-line threads or Contextual-Replies in the UI. Exporting such documents in HTML or EML format displays the conversations as in the UI (In-line threaded format).