Viewing Participant Details

To view the aliases that are associated with a participant name you can view participant details. Participants can be categorized as internal participants and external participants. Internal participants are your company employees. External participants are public users, who are not your company employees. External participants' details are not listed when you view participant details. For information on viewing external participants, see Archive Management Search.


Enterprise Archive auto mapping behavior is such that, a participant is mapped to an ingested document if both Network ID and Endpoint ID are matched or if only the Endpoint ID is matched (even if the user is matched to multiple networks).

Concept of auto mapping:

  • Source Truth: T he participant details from the imported CSV are considered as the source of truth and not metadata from the ITM XML.
    For example, a participant John Doe associated with group G1 is imported into Enterprise Archive through participant CSV. Later, when data for John Doe is ingested with a different group G2 for the userid “jdoe” in the ITM XML file, Enterprise Archive successfully archives that data with the group name G1 from CSV and will not honor the group G2 specified in the ITM XML file.

  • Auto mapping: This enable users to be mapped to an employee where identity is not specified in XML. This happens if the CSV imported to Enterprise Archive has the Employee data (Network Endpoint mapped to a user) before the XML is imported. This is always enabled on the Archive and will apply only if User ID field in the XML is empty (set by Point Product like Vantage).

  • Mapping: If User ID is populated in XML and employee exists, the XML gets mapped to the existing employee provided the User ID matches identity ID specified in Enterprise Archive. This is also always enabled. Since Enterprise Archive will always consider CSV as the source of truth, only mapping info is fetched from the XML, employee attributes are ignored.


The Network Display Name or Screen Name from the XML is also used based on the capture endpoint.

In case there are multiple Endpoint IDs matches for multiple users, the participant with the most recent match is considered.

The Participants page displays the following participant details:

  • Name

  • User ID

  • Email

  • Employee ID

  • Job Title

  • Department

The first field IdentityId cannot be updated in the CSV, all other fields can be altered or updated during participant import.


When messages are imported from a particular network, the existing participant details get updated as appearing the ingested data (latest records).

For example, when participant details are imported with the First and Last name in upper case, and later if the participants First and Last name in the ingested messages are in lower case, Enterprise Archive updates to the latter.

Participant Details During CSV import

Participant Details During Ingestion

What Enterprise Archive considers?


John Smith

John Smith

CSV import is case-insensitive and does not check for upper case or lower case changes. Thus, changes to participant's first and last name are not registered or updated if the name is changed from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa.

The changes reflect only if the field value is updated.

To correct the cases manually, the user must import participant twice:

For example, to change the name from JOHN SMITH to John Smith:

  1. Add or remove at least a character to both first and last name (from JOHN to JOHNN and SMITH to SMITHH) and import as CSV. The participant's name will change and reflected in the UI.

  2. Update the desired changes to the name (from JOHNN SMITHH to John Smith) and import as CSV again. The updated participant's name will reflect in the UI.

To view the details of a participant in Enterprise Archive:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Click View under the Participants from the Administration workspace.

  3. To view participant details, click the participant row, from the Participant panel. The Participant Details tab displays the following details of the selected participant:




    Additional Information

    Personal Information

    First Name, Last Name

    Middle Name

    Participant Type

    Employee Id

    Job Title

    Location Information





    Contact Information






    Other Phone

    Office Secondary Phone


    Organizational Information






    Endpoint ID

    Display Name



    The groups are ordered by date with the most recent date appearing first.

    Effective Date

    Custom Attributes


    All the custom attributes are displayed in a single table.

    For more information, see Custom Attributes


    Preservation Policy



    For more information, see Preservation Policy

    Effective Date


    • The most recent employee information is displayed on the Summary page.

    • All attribute lists are sorted by date, with the newest entries at the top.

    • Preservation Policy is deprecated for all new users, however is viewable for legacy users with preservation policy already applied.

    • For Custom Attributes, the most recent three entries are displayed on the Summary page.

  4. To view specific details in each category listed in the table earlier, click the [View] link.


External participants are not displayed in the Participants dialog.

Searching and Sorting Participants Information

The Participants page allows you to search and sort participants. You can search and sort participants using any of the following methods:

  • Searching

  • Alphabetic sorting

  • Searching and Alphabetic sorting together

Searching Participants

To search for participants, enter a minimum of 5 characters in the search box.

You can search participants by their Last Name, User ID, and Endpoint ID listed in the Participant Details table.

Sorting Participants Alphabetically

To sort participants who have their first names starting with a specific alphabet, click on that alphabet in the Participants panel.


For example when the letter A is selected, the participants who have their last name starting with the letter 'A' are listed in the Participants panel.

Searching and Sorting Participants Alphabetically

Enterprise Archive allows you to search within an alphabetical sorted list of participants. It also allows you to sort within a list of participants that are displayed as a search result.

For example, if you type Chicago in the Search text box and sort the participants with the letter A, then the search result must display participant details who have their last name starting with the letter A, and either work or live in Chicago.

Participants Group Report

Enterprise Archive allows you to download the list of participants and the respective groups they belong to. To download the list of participants as a CSV file:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Click View under the Participants category from the Administration workspace.

  3. Click the Download as CSV button to download the list of participants. The CSV file also lists participant group information.

Preservation Policy



Preservation Policy is deprecated for all new users, however is viewable for legacy users with preservation policy already applied.

Post Enron crisis, Federal Rules of Civil Procedures (FRCP) amendments required organizations to preserve Electronically Stored Information (ESI) of employees when there is a reasonable anticipation of litigation between communicating parties. ESI can be preserved at both document and employee (or custodian) level.

Preservation Policy allows organizational level hold to be placed on certain custodians whose content needs to be protected at all times with or without being associated to cases. Preservation Policies also provides an efficient mechanism to ensure content is protected quickly without competing with disposition when millions of documents need to be put on hold. The Preservation Policies do not completely eliminate the risk from losing documents to disposition process but significantly reduce the risks. The document level preservation in Enterprise Archive is Legal Hold.

Preservation policy can be enabled for a custodian/participant by configuring the .CSV file and uploading it to Enterprise Archive. When the .CSV is uploaded, all the documents of the participants/custodians are preserved without associating the participants documents to any case.

To enable preservation policy for a participant, in the .CSV file to be uploaded, type yes under the Preservation Policy field. If the field is configured as no or left blank, then the preservation policy is disabled for the participant. Once the .CSV is uploaded, you can see the preservation policy configuration under Summary tab of the Administration workspace. For information in importing participants, see Importing Participant.


You cannot change the configured preservation policy of a participant from the Enterprise Archive UI. To change the preservation policy, update and import the .CSV file again.

Clicking View displays the Preservation Policy tab. This tab details the history of preservation policy being enabled and disabled for the participant as inherited from the .CSV file.


Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes field enables you to match Enterprise Archive Field Name to any additional attributes. The attribute must be specified only in JSON format.

The custom attribute Name and Value configured for the participant in the .CSV file is displayed here. Clicking View displays the Custom Attributes tab with the history of changes in Custom Attributes for a participant. For more information on adding Custom Attributes, see Adding Custom Attributes.
