One-Click Download
One-click download as the name signifies allows the user to download a copy of a communication from the message viewer pane when performing the following actions:
Archive Search
Case Management Collect Search
Case Management Review Search
Conduct Admin Search
Conduct Review Search
Conduct Archive Search
To download the message, click the
icon from the message viewer pane. The message will be downloaded as an email (eml format) that can be opened/viewed using the Outlook client.
The file name of the downloaded document will be <Subject Name>_<SnapshotID>. Having the subject name as a part of the file name enables users to identify the downloaded document easily.
Export File Name Limitations
If the subject name exceeds 128 characters, only the first 128 characters are considered.
If the subject name contains invalid characters such as " * / : < > ? \ | and so on, they are replaced with an underscore _ character.
If the subject name is not found, the export file name will be NoSubject_SnapshotID.
The maximum file size supported for one-click download is 20 MB. Files larger than this limit will result in an error message: 'File is too large. Please export the file instead'.
Using One-Click Download
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