Creating Enterprise Archive Exporter

To create an exporter:

  1. Log on to Vantage as the System Administrator.

  2. Click the Configuration tab. The Configuration page appears.

  3. Click Interaction Exporters on the Settings & Options panel. The Interaction Exporters page appears.

  4. Click Create New to create a new exporter.

  5. In the Exporter Information section, perform the following:

    1. Type the name of the exporter in the Exporter Name box.

    2. Select the type of interactions to export from the Exporter Type drop-down list.

  6. Click Setup to expand the section. Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Enabled check box for Exporter Status to enable the exporter.


      The exporter should be disabled when you define export parameters and test the exporter.

    2. (Optional) Select the Log all activity checkbox for Logging to log the exporter activity to a log file.

    3. From the Run On Server ID list, select the ID of the Vantage server where the exporter must run.


    • Running the exporter on multiple server IDs gives the advantage of redundancy and load balancing of scheduled exporters.

    • The Test Configuration option exports up to ten interactions.

      • This option does not change the export state of the interactions, so by default they are exported again in a subsequent test or in a production environment.

      • You must disable the exporter before you can test the configuration.

      • You must ensure that you have specified the SMTP server details in the Export Type area before you test the exporter.

  7. Click ExporterFilters to expand the section and specify the desired Exporter Filters for interactions.


    To specify the exporter filter for a specific type of interaction, select the respective exporter type in the Exporter Information section.

  8. Click Batch Size to expand the section. Select any one of the following options:

    • Process all interactions at once: to export all the interactions in a single batch.

    • Process <number> interactions at a time: to export a specific number of interactions in a batch. Type the number of interactions to be exported in the box. See the Figure: Interaction Exporter - Batch Size area.


    The second option allows you to break the interaction processing into multiple batches and thus help you reduce the amount of time it takes for each one to run.

  9. Click Frequency to expand the section. Perform any one of the following actions:

    1. Select Process interaction every and type the frequency in minutes with which the interactions must be exported in the Process interaction every box.

    2. Select Startprocessingat, type the time at which the interactions must be exported in the Start processing at box and then select the time zone. Type the frequency in minutes with which the export must continue in the next box.

  10. Click Export Type to expand the section and select Export to Connected Archive. Perform the following steps:

    1. Type the Enterprise Archive Data Ingestion service URL in the Connected Archive DIG Service URL box.

    2. Type the Enterprise Archive Endpoint Name in the Connected Archive Username box.


      The Enterprise Archive Endpoint Name field is case sensitive. Users must enter the endpoint name exactly as configured in Enterprise Archive, or an error message is displayed indicating no user account was found for the endpoint.

      1. (Optional) Type the Subject for the data being exported.


        Smarsh recommends you to populate the Subject field by tokens. For example, to add interaction ID and chat room name to the Subject field, type Conversation #$interID $roomName; where, $interID and $roomName are tokens to automatically populate the interaction ID and the group name of the interaction exported respectively.

      2. Type the password of the Enterprise Archive Content Source in the Connected Archive Password box.

      3. Type the Cluster Name of the Enterprise Archive Content Source in the Cluster ID box.

      4. Type the Enterprise Archive Secret Key in the Connected Archive Encryption Key box.

      5. Select the employee attribute to be mapped to the employee ID field during export to Enterprise Archive from the Enterprise Archive Mapping ID drop-down list. The following employee attributes can be mapped to the employee ID field during export:

        • Employee ID: Maps the Employee ID attribute in Vantage to the employee ID attribute on Enterprise Archive during export.

        • Email ID: Maps the employee Email ID attribute in Vantage to the employee ID attribute on Enterprise Archive during export.

        • Alternate Employee ID: Maps the Employee Alternate ID attribute in Vantage to the employee ID attribute on Enterprise Archive during export.

        • None: Vantage does not send any attribute during export to Enterprise Archive.


        The cluster ID and encryption key of the content source is used to ingest interactions from Vantage into Enterprise Archive.

  11. Click Format Settings to expand the section. Perform the following:

    1. Select the Timezone to be used in the time stamp of the exported interactions.

    2. Select the desired Output Format in which the interactions must be exported.

    3. Select the following check boxes as desired:

      • Include Attachments, to export the interaction attachments when exporting the interaction details. This options is supported only for custom output formats exported via SMTP and collaboration interactions.

      • Include Context, to export the context of collaboration interactions when exporting the interaction details. This options is supported only for custom output formats exported via SMTP and collaboration interactions.

      • Include Review Comments, to export the review comments on interactions when exporting the interaction details.

    4. Select the format in which the interaction details must be exported when exporting the interaction as an attachment from the Output Format for interaction attachment drop-down.


      It is recommended to enable Include Review Comments option in Format Settings for audio interactions. Enterprise Archive retains the context of the interactions.

      • Delete the temp folder periodically because the Vantage server generates temporary files, such as MsgID-<MsgIDValue>-<timestamp>.txtand FileXferID-<filexferID>-<timestamp>.tmp in the temp folder, consuming large amount of disc space in case of large file transfers or text message interactions.

      • Vantage exports interactions to Enterprise Archive using the employee ID of the employee as the unique ID of the participant. The server property, connectedarchiveUserIDMappingField determines whether Vantage uses the employee ID or the email ID for exporting interactions to Enterprise Archive:

        • 1: email ID

        • 2: employee ID (default)

      Smarsh recommends setting the server property, connectedarchiveUserIDMappingField to 1 for exporting the interactions to Enterprise Archive.

      Interaction export to Enterprise Archive fails if the server property, connectedarchiveUserIDMappingField is set to 1 and the employee does not have a valid email ID in the Vantage server. Refer to the Database Reference Guide for more information on server properties.

  12. Click OK to save the exporter configuration. You have successfully created an exporter.


  • The output can be customized in Text, PDF, CSV, HTML, and XML formats.

  • CSV output format is supported only for Collaboration interactions.

  • The XSLT template for PDF format is available only in the Output Format for interaction attachment drop-down list.

  • Vantage retains only the metadata of the interaction content while exporting collaboration interactions with output format as XML versions 1 and XML versions 2.

  • It is not recommended to use a combination of legacy export formats with XSLT templates.

  • During the exports using the XSLT templates, Vantage creates temporary .DAT files on Windows at the following location: %systemdrive%\Windows\Temp. It is recommended that you delete these temporary files frequently.