
Enterprise Archive allows you to generate few more Conduct reports that can be downloaded for statistical or administrative propose. The reports are generated in .CSV format.

Figure 61: Supervision Report - Others


To download other Conduct reports:

  1. Click the Reports tab

  2. Click Other under Conduct Reports.

  3. In the Other workspace, choose the required Conduct Report option.

  4. (Optional) Select a Start and End date from the Date Range pane.


    This option is available only for Policy Details Report and Policy Changes Audit Report.

  5. (Optional) Click images/download/attachments/63668314/select_icon_2.jpg from the Users pane. Select the users from the Add Users window and click Add.


    This option is available only for the Policy Details Report.

  6. (Optional) Click images/download/attachments/63668314/select_icon_2.jpg from the Queues pane. Select the desired queue from the Add Queue window and click Add.


    This option is available only for the All Issues Detailed Action report.

  7. Click Download. The report is downloaded to your system in a .CSV format.

The following are the other Conduct reports that are available:

Table 15: Other Supervision Reports

Report Name


Policy Details Report

This report details the complete summary of the Lexicon Policy used in Conduct. Details of all the sections, conditions, and Filters defined within each section are displayed.

This report also details all the sections and conditions within each section used for Policies used in Conduct. The field is left blank if the filter or condition is not specified in the Lexicon Policy.

Queue-Policy-Status Report

This report details lists all the Queue Names in Conduct, the Policy associated with each of the Queues and the Status of the Policy within each Queue.

List Library Count Report

This report gives the keyword count for all the List Library files used in Conduct. The following details are available in the report:

  • List Type -Type of the file uploaded in the Conduct List Library.

  • List Name - Name of the file uploaded in the Conduct Library List.

  • # of Keywords - Total number of keywords listed in the file.

List Library Contents Report

This report gives lists all the keywords for the List Library files used in Conduct. The following details are available in the report:

  • List Type - Type of file uploaded in Conduct List Library.

  • List Name - Name of the file uploaded in Conduct List Library.

  • Keyword - List of all the keywords in the file.

Policy Changes Audit Report

This report lists all the policies in the Conduct Queues and details of when each Policy was created or updated. The following details are available in the report:

  • Policy Name - Name of the policies in Conduct Queues.

  • Modified On - Date and time when the Policy was last modified.

  • Modified By - Name of the user who modified the Policy.

  • Old Policy Criteria - Old Policy criteria that was configured earlier.

  • New Policy Criteria - Current Policy criteria available.

  • Event - The event will be either Create (if not modified) or Update (if modified).

  • Other Changes - Other changes in policy such as change in policy name, policy category and so on.

You can filter this report by specifying a date rage in the available Date Range option.

Policy Summary Report

This report lists the Policy Name and the Summary of each Policy that is used in Conduct.

Queue Participant Report

This report lists all the supervised Participants with their respective User IDs associated with each Conduct Queue. The following details are available in the report:

  • Queue Name - Name of the Queue.

  • Participants/Groups - Name of the participant or group configured in the Queue.

  • User ID - User ID of the participant or group name.

You can filter this report by selecting a Queue from the Add Queues window.

Queue-Reviewer-Role Report

This report lists all the Reviewers with their current Role and Level associated with each Conduct Queue. The following details are available as part of this report:

  • Queue - Name of the Queue.

  • Reviewer/Administrator - Name of the reviewer or Administrator along with the user ID information.

  • Queue Specific Role - Reviewer's queue specific role or the Administrator's default role at the time of report download. Reviewer's default role will be shown if no queue specific roles have been assigned.

  • Level - Assigned reviewer level. Will be blank for Administrators.

  • Added to the Queue as - Reviewer’s default role in Enterprise Archive or the Administrator's default role.

All Issues Detailed Actions Report

This report lists all the reviewer actions by all the Reviewers performed on each Conduct Queue. The following details are available in the report:

  • Queue Name - Name of the Queue where certain actions are performed.

  • Communication Type - Type of communication classified in Enterprise Archive.

  • Subject - Subject of the conversation in the Queue.

  • Snapshot ID - Snapshot ID given to the Queue.

  • Start Time - Date and time of the conversation in the Queue.

  • Supervised User Ids - ID given to the Supervised Participant.

  • Reviewer - Name of the reviewer who has performed certain actions on a Queue.

  • Action Time - Date and time when a reviewer performed certain action on the Queue.

  • Action - The type of action performed on the Queue. Actions can be Assign, Claim, Hold, Release, and so on.

  • Tag Names - Tag names assigned while preforming an action.

  • Notified Users - Displays the names of the participants to whom the email notification was triggered.

  • 'From' Participant - Displays the names of the participant in the From field within the document.

  • 'From' Participant's ID - Displays the ID of the participant in the From field within the document.

  • 'To' Participant's ID - Displays the ID of the participant in the To field within the document.

  • 'CC' Participant's ID - Displays the ID of the participant in the CC field within the document.

  • 'BCC' Participant's ID - Displays the ID of the participant in the BCC field within the document.

You can filter this report by specifying a date rage in the available Date Range and by selecting a Queue from the Add Queues window. By default, this report can be fetched for the past 7 days only.

The default value of 7 days be configured using a server property. Contact your Smarsh Representative to configure the server property.

Closed Message List

This report lists all the messages that were closed for each Conduct Queue. The following details are available in the report:

  • Queue Name - Name of the Queue where certain messages are closed.

  • Gcid - GCID given to the Queue.

  • Origin Type - The source of the document in the Queue. The Origin types can be either Policy, User, or Random.

You can filter this report by specifying a date rage in the available Date Range option.

Unmonitored User Report

This report enables you to view the list of Supervised Users who do not have matched documents in any of the Conduct Queues. You can download this report for a maximum date range of 30 days .

The following details are available in the report:

  • Supervised User: Name of the Supervised User (participant) whose documents are supervised by a Reviewer.

  • Supervised User ID: User ID of the supervised User.

  • Queue: Name of the Queue to which the Supervised User belongs.

  • Total Supervised Items: Total number of matched documents in the Queue for the Supervised User.

The following Report Info are also captured in each of these reports:

  • Name: Name of the report.

  • Generated On: Date and time when the report was generated.

  • Run By: Name of the administrator who generates these reports.

  • Time Zone: The time zone used while generating the report.

  • Date Format: The date format used in the report.