Search Views

Enterprise Archive Search results interface has been enhanced with three horizontal Task Mode views. Chevrons allow users to navigate between the following three views:

View 1 - Search and Results Listing




Search Pane


Search - To search and filter conversations with the available search filters. For more information, see Search.

Refine Results - To refine the search results further that is obtained by using the search filters. For more information, see Refining and Saving Search Results.

Saved Search - Lists all the searches that are saved for future reference. For more information, see Refining and Saving Search Results.

Documents Pane


Search for Keywords - To allow users to refine the search results by entering keywords. This enables users to minimize their search results.


This feature is available on document listing panel in View 1 and View 2 and will be disabled if the original search used Advanced Query or Random.


Search results navigator - To navigate between large search results.


List of actions buttons on that are available based on your workspace:


Columns button - List of alternative columns that are available while viewing a conversation in the Documents pane. For more information, see Columns Available in the Documents Pane.


Document List pane - List of documents displayed as a result of performing a search.


Chevron to navigate to View 2.

View 2 - Result listing and Details + Action





Seek Hits - To navigate between the hit terms in the communication.


Header section - Lists the header details of a communication such as:

  • Subject - The subject line of the communication.

  • Participant <count> - The Unique Participants link provides information on both internal and external participants in the selected conversation. Clicking any internal participants displays the metadata details of the participant. Metadata details are not available for external participants.

  • From - The name of the person who initiated the communication.

    The From field displays Unknown Sender if the sender information is missing in the ingested email.

  • To - Names of the participants to whom the communication is addressed to.

  • Cc - List of participants in Cc.

  • Bcc - List of participants in Bcc.

  • Channel - The channel used to communicate.

  • Network - The network used to communicate.

  • Time - Time stamp details of the communication.

Show Events - Displays the following events based on your selection f or IM conversations :

  • Join/Leave - Displays only the Join or Leave events in the communication transcript, if any.

  • Disclaimers - Displays only the disclaimers in the communication transcript, if any.

  • Others - Display historical messages in the transcript, if any.


Historical events such as Join/Leave, other system events, or even people exchanging text messages could have a date before the transcript start time.

Display Format - Plain Text/Rich Text - Displays the message body as pain text or rich text, based on the selection.

Threaded Messages - Expand All/Collapse All button - D isplays/Hides all the IM Chat, email, journal conversations below each parent messages at once when clicked. For more information, see Viewing Contextual-Replies.

Clicking on the Participant Count will display the list of all participants in the conversation as shown in the sample screenshot below:


  • External Participants that have multiple Network Endpoint IDs that are created due to different case combinations will be displayed as separate entries. For example, a user John Acton containing 2 endpoint IDs and will be displayed in separate lines.

  • Internal participants that have multiple Network Endpoint IDs that are created due to different case combinations will be grouped together and displayed in the same line.


Communication View buttons

images/download/attachments/71935287/message_info.png This is the default message view icon. Clicking the message will default to this view. The standard view will display message attributes such as Participants (participant count), Other (others count), Recipient and Sender Information, Channel name, Network name, Start Time, and End Time.

Participant Count here is the unique participant's information on the both, internal and external participants in the selected conversation, whereas Others link provide information on the list of non-contributors in the conversation. This list includes the following roles that are not part of the conversation, if applicable:

  • Owner - Identifies the document owner.

  • Reviewer - Identifies the document reviewer if the document was reviewed in Socialite/Vantage.

  • Moderator - Identifies the moderator if the document was moderated in Socialite/Vantage.

  • System - Events that are generated by Socialite/Vantage as part of policy enforcement.

images/download/attachments/71935287/Source_View.png Selecting this icon will display communication in HTML format. This icon will be displayed only for email communications.

images/download/attachments/71935287/info_button.png Selecting this icon will display the communication's metadata view. Information such as Cluster ID, GC ID, Snapshot ID, Thread ID, and a table displaying the Interaction ID, Transcript ID, Start Time, End Time and Exported Time information. These fields are explained below:



Cluster ID

The cluster from which the transcripts belonging to this conversation are ingested into Enterprise Archive.


Unique identifier assigned to each communication. This value is used to help debug issues that occur in Enterprise Archive.

Snapshot ID

Unique identifier assigned to each snapshot stored in Enterprise Archive.

Thread ID

Unique identifier assigned to a series of related conversations that are grouped to from a thread.

Interaction ID

Unique identifier assigned to an IM/chat conversation that identifies as an interaction between one or more participants.

Transcript ID

Displays the Transcript ID of the conversation as recorded in Vantage and Socialite. These Transcript IDs can be used as reference for tracing the conversation in Socialite or Vantage.

Start Time

The date and time when the conversation started.

End Time

The date and time when the conversation ended.

Exported Time

The date and time when this conversation was exported to Connected Archive from either Vantage or Socialite.

images/download/attachments/71935287/message_one_click_download.png Selecting this icon will download the message as an email attachment which can be opened/viewed using Outlook client. For more information, see One-Click Download.


Attachments pane - List the attachments in the communication.


  • The attachment pane only lists text files that contain attachment metadata information. Images in communication are displayed inline along with the body and not as attachments. Note that the attachment count still remains the same.

  • If the attachment icon displays in the red color (images/download/attachments/71935287/icon_failed_to_extract.png ) , it means that text extraction for the attachment has failed. However, downloading the attachment gives you the exact attachment file. Point your mouse to this icon to know the number of attachments that failed indexing and have issues with text extraction.

  • When the attachment is clicked, an attachment preview is displayed for text files only. However, if the attachment size exceeds 10MB, the metadata preview will not be available. In such cases, users are prompted to download the file instead. Files less than 10MB can be previewed as a text file, but the content may appear in clear text or garbled format depending on the attachment content.

Use Case 1:

In a document, if there are four inline-images, the attachment "count" is four, but under the Attachments pane the images are not listed, instead a message " The attachment pane does not include inline images, but are displayed in the message body. " is displayed.


Use Case 2:

In a document, if there are no in-line images in a document, but four file attachments, the attachment "count" is 4 and all these 4 attachments are listed under the Attachments pane.


Use Case 3:

In a document, if there are six inline-images and two file attachments, the attachment " count" is eight. Here only the two file attachments are listed under the Attachments pane along with the message " Does not include inline images " as the images are displayed in-line.



Communication message body along with images, if any. The mail body of the email, journal, Social Networking, or IM snapshot is displayed here. IM and Chat conversation are displayed as Contextual-Replies (In-line Threaded Conversations).


Note & Tags - To add additional notes, Tags or Tag Groups to a communication. For more information, see Selecting, Adding Notes, and Tagging a Conversation.

This view is available only in Case Management - Review page.


Chevron to navigate to View 3.


Chevron to navigate to View 1.

View 2 - Conduct

In Conduct workspace, the review interface has been redesigned to allow a user to perform Conduct actions on a right overlay pane while being able to view the message contents with auto-advance option for relevant actions. The reviewer can now perform actions such as Claim, Release, Update, Escalate, Assign, Re-Open, and Close actions in View 2 (Result listing and Details + Action) as well as View 3 (Details + Action + Referential Tiles).


Participant/Participant Group behavior on Distribution Lists

When messages come in that have a Distribution List (DL) included in the To or Cc fields, the DL name gets created in Enterprise Archive as a Participant. However, if the DL name is only on the Bcc field the Participant does not get created.

  • DLs coming in from Exchange get expanded and each member written in Enterprise Archive as a participant, as well as the DL itself gets written as a participant AND participant group. However, the DL as a participant and the DL as a Participant Group do not contain any members. The DL will just be an empty participant and participant group.

  • DLs coming in from migrations or third-party are handled separately and depends on the nature of the XML coming from the third-party app on how things are handled. Typically, DLs are created as Participants and Participant Groups with no members. This can also be shut off.

View 3 - Details + Action + Referential Tiles


In View 3, the message is shown in maximized mode along with referential tiles showing Action and Policy Events.

  • Action Events displays all action events such as Type, Sub Type, State, Policy Matched along with the matched term or phrase, and Exchange server version of an interaction snapshot.

  • Policy Events display the Type, Policy Category, and the Policy Matched along with the matched term or phrase of an interaction snapshot that come from point products as metadata along with the ingestion .

  • Message Retention (only in Archive Management) details such as the following are displayed when you click the Retrieve Retention Details button:

    • Message expiry status along with timestamp details.

    • Matched retention policies for a message along with the count and their respective status - Active or Expired.


      Expired Archive or Retention policies only shows up if the message is not processed for disposition. The reason for not processing could be due to:

      • Lag in processing expired messages, or

      • Disposition not being enabled for the tenant.

    • Hold applied to that message that is preventing the message from expiring. Any message in a Conduct queue with zero retention is also listed here.

    • Participants in the message with preservation policy.


    • Currently, messages that are retained due to custodian holds (added using APIs) are not displayed.


View 3 of Archive Management d isplays retention policy related information. If a document is not under any retention, there is no information displayed. Hence, a message "No additional information is available" is displayed.

View 3 - Conduct

In View 3 in Conduct, the message is shown in maximized mode along with referential tiles showing matched policies, participants and groups, Action and Policy Events, Audit, and View history.
